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A woman recives acupuncture therapy with needles in her back

Leicester Acupuncture Clinic

Helping reduce symptoms & relieving pain without surgery or medication

Book your initial appointment under 'acupuncture' for 60mins 

Acupuncture promotes wellbeing which helps:

A graphic saying that acupincture relieves pain and inflammation
A graphic explaining that acupuncture reduces stress & anxiety
A graphic explaining that acupuncture restores balance & harmony

Holistic Acupuncture Treatments
Pain & Wellbeing

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese complementary therapy where specific points on the body are stimulated with needles. It can help relieve pain and can be used for several different health symptoms, such as hot flushes, migraines and problematic scarring.


As a holistic therapy, (which considers the ‘whole person’) acupuncture also helps to “balance your body.” Acupuncture can target many areas of your health, including; the physical, mental and emotional aspects.

Acupuncture treatment on shoulders

Experienced Acupuncture from HLP Therapy

Logo for Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists

HLP Therapy founder Hannah Poulton is a highly qualified Physiotherapist and acupuncturist with over 22 years in Physiotherapy and 11 years' experience in acupuncture. Her work using acupuncture to treat cancer related symptoms, has been published in the AACP journal (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists). 

Through Hannah’s clinical research and receiving numerous positive responses from clients, Hannah has found that acupuncture can be beneficial in improving cancer related symptoms. In fact, it can help with several different concerns - some of which we have listed below:

Acupuncture for Headaches

While you might think that acupuncture for headaches simply involves placing needles on the area of your head where you experience pain, it actually involves more than that. Depending on the location of your headaches, the needles are often also placed on other parts of the body which include your face, neck, hands and feet. 

A lady receives acupuncture treatment on her forehead

Here are a few reasons why acupuncture helps with headaches:

⦁    Pain Management. It is believed that acupuncture treatment can trigger the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals produced in your body. Consequently, this can reduce both the frequency and pain intensity of your headaches.

⦁    Relaxing your Muscles. A common cause of headaches is tension, which involves the tightening of muscles in your head, neck or shoulders. Acupuncture can relax the muscles and thus relieves the pain caused by tension.

⦁    Stress Reduction. We often find that many of our client's headaches are caused by stress. As a result, acupuncture is a fantastic natural way of relieving these types of headaches as it promotes relaxation and is used to balance the nervous system.

Acupuncture for Anxiety & Depression

Acupuncture is hugely beneficial for several mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. Ultimately, acupuncture is all about relaxation and wellbeing – both of which are particularly important for people suffering with anxiety and depression.

So how does acupuncture help with depression and anxiety we hear you ask? Well, we will try and break it down for you in simple terms:

  • There are chemicals in your body known as Neurotransmitters which help transmit signals between nerve cells. Acupuncture produces more Neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine which helps regulate your mood and emotions. With your emotions more balanced, your feelings of anxiety or depression may feel less.

  • Your nervous system often produces stress responses such as “fight-or-flight” mode, which is often very present in people with anxiety. As acupuncture has a controlling influence, it balances both the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the nervous system, which, as a result may ease symptoms of anxiety.

  • Having an acupuncture treatment stimulates areas of your body that promotes deep relaxation. This greatly reduces restlessness and brings a sense of calm.

  • Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins in your body which is ultimately a chemical which brings a positive change to your mood and sense of wellbeing. Therefore, this has shown to have a great effect on people with depression and anxiety.

A lady holding the sides of her head, she looks stressed. The graphic reads: Regulates Emotions
A lady covering her face in bed, she hasn't slept well. The graphic reads: Reduces Restlessness
A lady looking relaxed as she breathes in the fresh air. The graphic reads: Promotes deep relaxation

Acupuncture for Insomnia

Insomnia, or lack of sleep, can be  caused by stress, anxiety, depression, hormone imbalances or worry. As previously mentioned, acupuncture is very much about balancing your energy and relaxation, which is why it works so well for people with insomnia.

As with stress, anxiety and depression, insomnia is about releasing the natural chemicals in your body to counterbalance the negative thoughts and feelings which are keeping you awake. Acupuncture also helps with hormone balance and general wellbeing which means your mind and body are both more relaxed. Ultimately, this is what leads to a good, uninterrupted night's sleep.

Furthermore, we also offer acupuncture for the following issues:

  • Sports injuries

  • Muscle pain

  • Global body pain

  • Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy 

  • Chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Problematic scarring 

  • Menopause symptoms

Acupuncture being performed on a person's lower back

It’s worth noting that acupuncture is often a complementary therapy used alongside other therapies and treatments. These often include physiotherapy and scar therapy – both of which HLP Therapy offer at our clinic in Leicester.

If you would like to know if acupuncture would benefit you for the symptoms you have, please feel free to
get in touch and we will advise you accordingly.

Reviews from some of our wonderful Acupuncture clients:

"I contacted Hannah of HLP When I started to have pain in my knee, I got an appointment at her amazing clinic in Narborough (Leicester). We discussed my concerns and agreed on some acupuncture and a series of exercises for the weeks ahead. It’s clear Hannah has a wealth of experience and having lots of options to treat and heal you is exceptional and provides a holistic approach to your care. Would recommend to anyone- Hannah puts you at ease and is a total professional."

- Millie

Acupuncture Treatment FAQ's

What happens at my first acupuncture appointment?

Your first appointment will include; a detailed consultation, assessment, treatment and recovery plan. We will address your concerns, symptoms and struggles not only on a physical level, but also mentally and emotionally. Acupuncture may be offered to you as a part of a recovery plan – it very often goes hand in hand with physiotherapy or scar therapy treatments.

On each and every appointment, we will ensure a holistic and individualised assessment and treatment plan, specifically designed to help you heal, recover, and improve your well-being.

How do I book an Acupuncture Treatment?

Please book your treatment here. If it is your first appointment, please go to the acupuncture tab and click on “60 minutes”. Otherwise please contact HLP Therapy if you are unsure how long you will need.

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Acupuncture is often painless, relaxing and has little to no side effects. Our clients have reported not only health related improvements, but also psychological benefits after the first treatment session.

However, we do understand that the thought of needles, is not for everyone. This is why we will always discuss every aspect of your treatment with you, before we commence the session. The body is amazing and most people come away from an acupuncture treatment either feeling completely relaxed or really energised!

 If you do have any concerns, please get in touch and we can look at designing an alternate recovery plan for you.

How long does it take for Acupuncture to work?

It’s almost impossible to give a time frame for acupuncture – every person is different and every reason for needing the treatment varies.  Depending on your symptoms, you may notice a big change as early as one or two treatments, other symptoms may take many months to reduce. The most important thing is that you recover well, and HLP Therapy offer help and advice every step of the way alongside your recovery plan.

Can I exercise after Acupuncture?

It’s generally not a good idea to exercise straight after acupuncture, as your body needs time to relax and unwind. In some cases (depending on why you are receiving acupuncture) it may be okay to commence light exercises, such as yoga or Pilates. 

Should I avoid certain Foods or Drinks after Acupuncture?

As part of your recovery plan, we offer nutritional advice including what foods and drinks may help you recover faster, and what to avoid.

Although this may be different for each individual that we treat, we would generally advise to try and avoid alcohol, foods and drinks with lots of refined sugars and cut down on coffee if you can (we know that’s a tough one!).

Your Health Matters

At HLP Therapy, we pride ourselves on listening, understanding and offering treatments and therapies that help the healing process with ongoing support.

As the UK leading scar therapist, we offer treatments on ANY TYPE OF SCAR including C section scars, breast augmentation / reduction scars and breast cancer scars. 

Our team specialise in physiotherapy, which includes popular therapies for women such as women’s health physiotherapy and a postnatal check called The Natal Check. You can find our physiotherapy clinic in Leicester.
Other therapies provided include
acupuncture (which is often a complementary therapy used alongside other therapies), also sports massage and pregnancy & postnatal massage.

You can take a look at our online shop which stocks many scar related products, including our ever popular C-Section recovery kit.

Please feel free to contact us or book a treatment – we’d love to see you!

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